Thursday, 27 November 2014

The Book of Rules

For my first assignment, if you exclude this rambling blog, I am to write a position paper.
I have focused on “how to” this week; how to find sources of information, how to come up with a thesis, how to argue your thesis, how to defend your thesis, basically, how to produce an interesting yet scholarly position paper. I have collated all these “how to’s” into what I now refer to as my Book of rules.
My Book of rules tells me to research my topic in order to develop a background on the subject and provide myself a list of pro’s and con’s before deciding which side of the argument to support. Thanks to the handy-dandy internet, I was able to search for books, journals and helpful webpages. The hard part was picking out sources that were not only relevant but genuine. There is so much garbage online these days. I found the task a lot easier when I sneakily used my work computer. As it turns out, I have access to thousands of reputable journals that have been weeded out from the rest, not to mention an entire library of books that have been used in previous studies on the subject! Someone did half the work for me, JACKPOT!
I have resources sussed and feel more at ease about this paper… until I remember the Book of rules and how I never quite go to the last "how to". How to make sense of it all?!

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Welcome to my world

This blog has been set up to track my progress as I attempt to return to tertiary study. Previous study lead me to gain my "National Diploma in Science" and land a job at a local laboratory (Environmental Chemistry Laboratory, Landcare Research, for those interested). While I enjoy my day-to-day work and especially the people who surround me, a group of misfits with strong opinions all bunched together to create a lively and somewhat dramatic atmosphere, I feel it is my responsibility to progress myself for the good of my career. I can have you on the edge of your seat in anticipation as I give a theatrical step by step replay of the days events, yet when it comes to conveying ideas or concluding my work, my brain turns to mush.
"If you aren't going forward, you are going backwards" a direct quote from my line manager which I translated to mean "Doing something, anything, is better than doing nothing". As a result of my over thinking, along with a life long fear of the English language, I now find myself enrolled in summer school under taking a communication paper. Cross your fingers and toes that I make it through this alive and if you are seriously committed, say a little prayer that I might even pass.