With the first assignment now out of the way, it is time to sit back and relax! Just kidding, its straight into assignment two. This assignment involves working in groups which I would usually be ecstatic about but as we are all distance learners, organisation is going to be difficult to say the least. I am glad that I have a friendly group to work with though, two of my fellow classmates came over for a bit of a meet and greet.
After meeting the girls, I realised how different our reasons for studying this particular paper are. The diversity in our set goals range from phycology to sports and even computing.
When I think of science, I have a very narrow mind. My mind trends towards lab coats and test tubes, big machines and long complicated reports. It often surprises me how vast the subject really is.
Not only is the subject of science a web of interlocking mayhem, everyone has a different take on it. While we are all doing our chosen field of science for a different purpose, there is still a common theme. Whether it be to better care for our surroundings, or to hack into the governments computers we all see science as a way forward.
From my own personal experience, having worked in laboratories for 6 years, the industry as whole is being slingshot forward. Technology is constantly upgrading, ideas and techniques are multiplying but the one thing that remains universal is the need for communication. Without communication we get left behind and at the rate the world is moving, one slip up and you fall into a black hole of return.
And on that note, it is time to get back to work before my boss catapults me into a black hole of her own...
I totally agree that technology is constantly changing. and it's sometimes best to work in a group with different backgrounds